Friday 13th August – We stopped in Høllen to fill up with water, get some supplies, plug in to electrickery and send our last blog update, a handy little town with everything we needed close to the harbour. From there we headed to Uvår, this is a small Island about 5 miles west of Høllen with a nice anchorage between two legs of the island. We dropped the anchor and had a quick scoot around in the dinghy to see if we could get alongside a wooden jetty but that was too shallow and there was no nice place to tie to the shore, luckily a Danish couple on already tied alongside another jetty invited us to raft outside them as the holding in the middle was reputed to be a bit dubious because of all the weed.
Sunset in Uvår | International Parking Spot in Uvår |
Later in the day we were joined by a Norwegian family who rafted outside us, a very International affair and all very friendly. We had a couple of meals with the Danes, Olaf and Katrina, on Kee II so we had to open a couple of bottles just to be sociable!!. The weather was just about perfect, light breeze, blue skies, lovely sunsets and calm seas. Ventured out in the dinghy to try my luck with the fishing and managed to catch lots of mackerel and finally a cod that was big enough to keep. Some of the mackerel got used as bait in the crab pots and we managed to catch about 15 good sized crabs during our stay in Uvår so our self-sufficiency has improved dramatically.
The first night we were saying to the Danes that we had seen very few British boats on our travels, an hour later one comes into the anchorage with a younger couple aboard, the next day in comes yet another British boat – a bit like buses. Our Norwegian neighbours left on Sunday and the second British boat moved alongside us, Mike and Prunella on Ghida are from South Wales and were really great fun.
The Danes left on Monday and the weather took a serious downhill turn with NE winds up to 30 knots that lasted for three days, luckily the anchorage was ideal for winds from that direction so we were all tucked in nice and snuggly. We were also joined by Ole, a Dane who lives in Norway on his little 26ft yacht, he came in looking a bit like a mad professor because his engine didn’t work so he was having to sail in with the wind up at about 25knots. After some frantic waving and shouting and a few circles of the anchorage we got him tied up alongside Ghida with not too much hassle – he was very grateful to have someone help him out because he had had a pretty rough sail to get here and was relieved to be tied up safe and sound.
Because of the weather we were stuck in Uvår a bit longer than planned but we had a great time with Mike and Prunella with their little dog, Snoopy, as well as Ole who we invited to join us for meals because he had hardly any food on board – he hadn’t planned on the weather being so bad. Ole is a really interesting man who has led a very varied life with everything from living in a commune to teaching art at university, he gave us a lovely painting to say thanks for our hospitality, we also managed to mend his outboard engine so he was really happy.
Mike and Pru on Ghida | The Mad Snoopy Dog!! |
By Wednesday we were all running very low on water and supplies so we decided we needed to make a move seeing as the wind was forecast to start easing off in the afternoon. We were going west to Farsund so we thought the NE wind would not be too bad for us to make good progress. We headed off with two reefs in the mainsail and half the headsail out and we were soon doing 9knots and more!!! As we headed towards Lindesnes Point the wind definitely didn’t ease, in fact it seemed to get stronger with periods when the wind was over 30knts with gusts over 40knts, we had rolled away the headsail but the double reefed main was still a bit much for the conditions as we surfed down some waves at over 13knts – definitely getting a bit hairy!!! Down came the main and we rolled out about two thirds of the headsail, still between 8 and 9 knts boat speed but a lot more control as we rounded Lindesnes. With wind and waves all going the same way as us it was pretty comfortable for us on board but you certainly would not have wanted to be going the other way, we saw a ketch rigged yacht heading South by Lindesnes with only a small headsail out and she was rolling all over the place – not fun at all!!!
Once we got round Lindesnes and headed towards Farsund we got some shelter from the Islands so the wind and sea calmed a bit for the last 10 miles and by the time we got to Farsund the wind had dropped off completely and we had to resort to engines for the last mile. Tied up in Farsund at about 1800 so it had taken us 4 1/2 hrs to cover the 35 miles from Uvår, just under 8knts average speed. Now settled in with free mooring and electric so we are staying for a few days to see what the weather decides to do – at the moment it is very unseasonal with low pressure, rain and strong winds, hopefully it will change in a couple of days.
Hi all Sue here
As usual Chris has covered it all in great detail!!
I didn’t mind being stranded in Uvar as socialising is my favourite pastime!! It was really nice to meet Mike and Pru who are doing the same as us. They are wintering back in Wales and then heading of down French coast next year so we will definitely keep in touch. I think Pru and me were too alike and drove the men mad with our blonde moments and talk of food. Fortunately they had lots of homemade wine and beer on board so combined with my homemade bread and various puddings and Chris’s fishing we managed to have a really good time. Sorry to leave Uvar really but we all had to make a move with our journeys homewards. They also had a westie dog called Snoopy who I wanted to kidnap!!
Very hairy passage to Farsund and very relieved when we arrived and were safely tied up. Anchor drinks were definitely called for!!
We will stay here for a couple of days now and wait for a change in the weather before setting of for Egersund.